I know I’m getting over something when I can finally write a poem about it.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

My last loss

After Rainer Maria Rilke

Love, you taught me how to leave,
palms outstretched,
my hope, a garnet gemstone
floating weightless away.

Each step,
an annunciation.
You taught me how to bend,
but never break.

Chalk it up to missed connections
in infinite iterations of space.
Our melodies wove in sync,
and then out.

Your impermanence stitched through me,
I spin through cycles of
I recall

Your eyes’ vast silence
and I wonder if you were nothing
and no one at all.
I recall

how you buried
your face in my neck,
and held my edges lightly.
I recall

the vast demise,
and how you almost tried.
Your resignation, a black expanse
running rivers through my chest,

my invisible strings
clenched tight
around your neck.
My white knuckle grip.

And I try to forget
how you bloomed a field of flowers
in my stomach, and then
tore them up by their roots.

My colors spilled,
bold and brazen. They run,
always in excess.
Yours withheld.

For all the love in letting go,
I’ll learn to forget the way
you almost understood,
and will never know.

--Alicia (2013)