Playing With Fire

Monday, April 23, 2012


Poetry is emotion
Recollected in tranquility.

Upon our exit,
You handed me a souvenir matchbook
With an image of the Virgin Mary
Printed on the back:
            The icon, an emblem
            Of my suffering.
When I asked, you said
You did not recognize her face.

That night, you swam in my visage
Among low lampshades
And velvet sofas.
The dimly lit bar was a submerged ship.
We sat three feet apart
And talked about ions diffusing,
There was no spark.

I took the blessed face in my palm,
Her visage burnished in blue.
I saw her lips slightly part
And heard her whisper:
You can’t fight fire with fire.
So I snuffed it in Ethel Alcohol
And forgot about her,
All the way back to your place.

Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone
Feeding her flock unto the mountainside,
The shepherds knew not,
They knew not whither she was gone,
But after her lover Amyntas hied,
Up and down he wandered
Whilst she was missing;
When he found her,
O then they fell a kissing,
O then they fell a kissing, a kissing, O then
They fell a kissing, O-

The way you ravaged me
Under an ivy-choked Magnolia tree

I recall lost vowels,
Your tongue, your teeth,
Your lips soft and sucking.
A rhythm, punctuated, a Mary,
Falling from grace in the mind of a saint.

It wasn’t so hard to be found.
But in the end, it’s always in the coming down.

I’ve heard it said that poetry
Is emotion, recollected in tranquility.

Here I lay, untranquil
And I don’t feel a thing.

--Alicia (2012)