Come, you spirits
That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
And fill me from the crown to the toe topful.
--Macbeth (I.v.40-42)
I read once that cloistered nuns,
When caught in the torrents of desire,
Would grind up the buds of roses
And drink their pulp, in order
To abate lustful cravings.
Their penitence sheathed
In self-denying acts,
They found salvation in an Order;
In a balance, finely crafted
Of holy love--of chaste touch.
Crushing their lust to pulp,
They drank full the very pap
Of the un-budded passions
Which they denied themselves,
Clipped before blossom's flourish.
I can see them,
Their silver chalices
Of blush liquid
Tipped back on pale lips,
Drinking a world of sin away,
As Yam, god of the sea-
The world his goblet, tipped
Back on vast lips-
Drank the sea's roaring wake.
How did it taste?
Was their liquid lust sweet?
Did it burn as they swallowed,
Dross rising like froth
Away from their golden flesh,
Burned holy in denial's fire?
I, too, drink to holiness,
Have cloistered and denied,
Skimmed sin's dross, and strong-willed
The passion of my wiles. I try
To follow suit, seven self-flagellating nuns,
Painfully, as they rise above.
--Alicia (2010)
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