In the quiet dark of night, alone (Edited)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

In the quiet dark of night, alone

I sat and wondered at this life, which
frustrated the knowledge of wise men
and the irony of Fools;
us wise fools,
living in a strand of incoherent musing,
revolving hazy on this celestial sphere,
round thoughts, lives, and cosmological constructs:
primordial gasses mixed with an inexplicable Something,
which is explained: divine.
Divine and nothing,
out of nothing,
formless and void,
in the depths of nothing,
in the shadow which crept along
the edge of a glistening web of star:
star dust and star ashes,
from dust to life,
we are.
We form out lives, logical and succinct,
squeeze the inexplicable world
into explanations of nothing,
as loss blunts the edges of our star-crossed passions.
We learn to love those humble melodies we trace
along the listless drone of the metronome, Time.
We do not waste life wanting things we cannot-
lusting things we should not-
And we do not concern ourselves with higher things.
For the Lord is our shepherd,
we shall not want.
And yet . . .

--Alicia (2009)